A court endógamico and to the extent awarded a cum laude the thesis plagiarized from Canoyra

The counselor of Universities ask for a meeting with the rector of the UCJC and the Complutense opens investigaciónUn head of the UCJC and a phd in the COMPLUTENSE university of madrid with the thesis of Canoyra 4 years despuésUna high office of Ayuso plagiarized his thesis at the same time that Sanchez and in the same department

The tribunal who evaluated the phd thesis of Conception Canoyra was formed by five doctors and none of them found the slightest irregularity to overthrow a work which, as uncovered ABC, was filled with plagiarism and errors of form. Of the five teachers, only one was a specialist in the field who had to judge the marketing.

The court, as as happened in the case of the thesis of Pedro Sanchez, chaired by Adolfo Sánchez Buron , by then vice-rector for Research and head of graduate studies at the University Camilo José Cela . Completed María Victoria García Gómez de Agüero, the coordinator of the master in Management of Conciliation in the same university; Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau, professor of the faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona and member of the Royal Academy of economics and Finance; Francisco Javier Maqueda Lafuente, academic as Roquefort and professor of Marketing and Market Research at the University of the Basque Country; and Juan Alfonso Cebrian Diaz, who two years before had been Dean, Faculty of Legal Science and Economics of the Camilo Jose Cela.

Of all of them, only Sanchez Buron possessed a degree in marketing, an area traditionally encompassed in the faculties of Social Sciences. is Rocafort, Maqueda and Cebrián came from faculties of economics, while Garcia was a doctor in Law. This is in addition to the director of the thesis Canoyra, as revealed by ABC, was a professor of English at the university without experience in marketing, years before, he had obtained the doctorate with a thesis directed by the Sanchez Buron. This teacher directed 26 dissertations between 2010 and 2013, a period in which the universities, especially the Camilo José Cela, they needed to “make” doctors to comply with the Bologna process.

Law of silence

Four of the five member itself may prove, as trademark regulations, a wide research experience, although his area of expertise was not marketing. This is Sanchez Buron, Alfonso Cebrián, Alfredo Rocafort and Javier Maqueda. These last two, even ua a relationship of friendship beyond the academic realm. The four of them, being asked by the ABC in relation to the plagiarism of the thesis of Canoyra declined to offer any explanation. In fact Rocafort, in the first term, even denied knowing Canoyra. Hours later, however, he returned to contact with the journal to refine your response and to confirm that was present in the court of the exdirectora general of Education Agreed but that his memory had played a trick on them. Despite their charges, called a thesis with plagiarism and errors of form with a “suitable cum laude”.

The same note got the now-president of the Government four days before the submission of their thesis to the examination of a court still more inexperienced, and that, as aggravating, it had among its members John Padilla, who evaluated a thesis in which he had participated, which included articles he had written in hand to hand previously with Pedro Sanchez.

The silence between the members of the court broke María Victoria García Gómez de Agüero, who got his phd just a year before judging the thesis of Canoyra and that, interestingly, had Sanchez Buron and Cebrián as directors of their research. “I am horrified and I am sorry about that,” said Garcia, who justified not to have detected the plagiarism of Canoyra in that at that time “had no means nor instruments” to detect them. However, Garcia, like Buron, an employee of Canoyra -by then director-general of the UCJC – and personal friend.

With the scandal over the table, the court closes ranks and keeps silence. Prestigious doctors and professors with seats in the Royal Academy of the Economic Sciences and Financial do not want to explain why they gave a “cum laude” to a thesis that is not held and whose irregularities were so rude that was perceived at first sight.

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