A State Strategy to ensure the Ecological Restoration

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The control of invasive species, such as camalote, has focused the recent meeting of the Sectorial Conference of Environment , a principal organ of collaboration between the central Government and the autonomous communities in this matter. The meeting was presided over by the minister for the Ecological Transition in roles, Teresa Ribera.

The camalote includes both the Catalogue Spanish of alien invasive species as in the List of the European Union (EU). It is extremely harmful to the ecosystems of inland waters and their management generates high costs. During the last 15 years, we have invested more than 40 million euros in its withdrawal from the section it occupies in the river Guadiana as well as to contain its expansion downstream, towards Portugal. It has recently been detected in the Pit and Ebro . However, the quick action of the different administrations has allowed to organize the necessary equipment to contain and remove the plants present.

The conference has also agreed a new strategy for the conservation of the brown bear in the Cantabrian mountains , which involves the update of the existing strategy, adopted in 1999. Its population is estimated at 270-310 bears; of them, 230-270 copies are in the subpopulation west and 40 in the eastern (data corresponding to the year 2017).

it has Also been given the green light to the Strategy State of Green Infrastructure and Connectivity, and Ecological Restoration , which aims to promote and implement a change in the model of management and territorial planning up to the year 2050. Currently, 30% of the territory of the EU has a degree of fragmentation between moderate and high.

on the other hand, have adopted the criteria of distribution of funds relating to the implementation of the State Plan Framework for Waste Management (PEMAR): to 1.72 million euros aimed at financing actions of home composting and community, as well as the efficient use of biogas . The two million euros that the State Budget of 2019 have been assigned to the Plan to promote the Environment (PIMA) will be invested, among other activities, on the separate collection of bio-waste and used cooking oil (for the production of biofuel).

in The same way, it has proceeded to the distribution of 3.5 million euros corresponding to the actions of correction of the electric power lines to avoid electrocution of the birds and 574.000 euro that covers the Fund for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity for species in critical status ( european mink, southern grey shrike guy, margaritona and the jara de Cartagena ).

The last item on the agenda of the Sectoral Conference of Environment has served to inform the autonomous regions on the marine strategies implemented.

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