Aid SEPE subsidy of 480 euros: what it is, requirements and how to request the aid

When a worker loses a job, they have the right to collect unemployment, although it is necessary to have contributed at least 360 days of working life to Social Security. However, those people who have worked for less than a year may also receive an unemployment subsidy from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), the duration of which will depend on the number of months of contributions and whether or not they have family responsibilities.

It is the subsidy for insufficient contribution, also known as mini unemployment, an aid that in 2023 presents some changes.

The main novelty of the mini strike is the amount. The rise in the public multiple-effect income indicator (IPREM), an index used as a reference for granting subsidies, aid or unemployment benefits. The increase in the IPREM up to 600 euros has a direct impact on the subsidy for insufficient contribution, since its amount is equal to 80% of the public indicator. In this way, from 463.21 euros in 2022 it will go to 480 euros per month in 2023.

Likewise, in the case of loss of part-time work, said amount will be received in proportion to the hours previously worked in the last contract.

As explained on the SEPE website, the duration of this aid of 480 euros depends on the number of months contributed and whether or not the beneficiary has family responsibilities.

-The subsidy will last 3, 4 or 5 months, if you have contributed 3, 4 or 5 months, respectively.

– The subsidy will last 21 months, if you have contributed for 6 or more months (in this case, the right will be recognized for six months, and it can be extended for periods of 6 months until its final duration).

In the case of discontinuous permanent workers, the duration of the subsidy will be equal to the number of months paid for unemployment in the year prior to the request.

The documentation you must provide:

The request can be submitted through:

The right to the subsidy is born the day after the legal situation of unemployment. Whoever meets the requirements must submit the application within 15 business days, which starts counting from the day after the legal situation of unemployment.

The payment of the subsidy will be made in monthly installments of 30 days, between the 10th and 15th of the immediate month to which the accrual corresponds. It will be paid, with exceptions, in the account that is the owner of the same.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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