Astronomy Full Moon in November 2023: how and when to see the Beaver Moon

One of the most anticipated dates of the lunar calendar is the full moon. Contemplating the face of our satellite fully illuminated by the Sun, thus completing half of the lunar month, is always a spectacle. There is not much left to see the full moon of this November 2023. A moon known as the Beaver Moon.

To begin with, the names given to full moons have nothing to do with astronomy. It was the Native Americans who baptized the full moons of the year with names that evoke an important event related to agriculture or nature that coincided each month.

Thus, the name of the Beaver Moon is due to the animals of the forest, especially the beavers, who prepare their shelters for the arrival of the winter season. And their hibernation period is the best time to hunt them and obtain their skin. The full moon in November is also known as the Frost Moon.

The tradition of nicknames for full moons began around 1930, when American calendars became fashionable. The list of names of the full moons is as follows: the full moon of the wolf (January); of snow (February); of the worm (March); the pink moon (April); of flowers (May); strawberry (June); of the deer (July); of the sturgeon (August); harvest (September); of the hunter (October); of the beaver (November) and the cold full moon (December).

It must be taken into account that lunar changes have always been a reference in the history of humanity. Although today we are governed by the solar month, the moon and its changes marked the activity of planting, hunting and rest for centuries.

The full moon takes place on Monday, November 27, 2023, specifically at 10:16 a.m. and under the sign of Gemini, according to data from the astronomical agenda of the National Geographic Institute (IGN). However, the Moon can be seen in its almost complete phase during the nights before and after.

To see the full moon, it is enough with our own eyes to contemplate its magical illumination, even being able to distinguish certain features of its face. Of course, the use of binoculars allows you to appreciate more details of its surface. The most important thing will be to locate ourselves at an elevated point, without obstacles and where there is little light pollution.

This year there is a peculiarity, since in 2023 there are not 12 full moons, but 13. As Rafael Bachiller, director of the National Astronomical Observatory (National Geographic Institute) and academic at the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain, explains, the average time elapsed between two full moons (the lunation) is 29.53 days and since the year has 12 months (a total of 365 or 366 days), it contains about 12.4 lunations. Thus, depending on the fit of the lunar cycles in the calendar, there may be years in which not 12, but 13 full moons occur. This is the case in 2023. Every month of the year has a full moon, except August, which had two: one on the 1st and another on the 31st.

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