Baden-Württemberg: Changes in the climate record year 2022 clearly noticeable

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The past year has shown that the climatic changes in the southwest are more noticeable. 2022 was record-breaking, as the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment announced on Wednesday. Particularly sunny, particularly hot, particularly dry: That is the conclusion of the report on the annual climate review from the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment (LUBW), which Environment Minister Thekla Walker (Greens) presented to the Council of Ministers.

With an annual mean temperature of 10.6 degrees, 2022 was the warmest year in Baden-Württemberg since weather records began. 22 days with a temperature of over 30 degrees are also exceptional. At the same time, it rained very little and it was very dry. The water levels in lakes and rivers were therefore very low. The soil was only able to recover a little in wet September.

According to Thekla Walker, people, agriculture and nature suffered as a result. She emphasized that the efforts for climate protection and climate change adaptation will be significantly increased, as provided for in the Climate Protection and Climate Change Adaptation Act in Baden-Württemberg.

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