Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) has criticized the special fund planned by the federal government and described it as a quasi-shadow budget. “This money also has to be repaid at some point, and people like to withhold it,” said Bayaz in the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten” (Tuesday). According to Bayaz, special funds are legally on shaky ground. In Hesse, the Constitutional Court has conceded such a construct. On Friday, the Bundestag gave the green light for the planned Bundeswehr special fund.
The repayment of special assets takes leeway, said Bayaz. “But I ask myself, where do you start, where do you stop,” said Bayaz. At some point there will be many different special funds. Bayaz again advocated a reform of the debt brake. Annual additional mini-debt for future investments would be more sustainable from a financial policy perspective. Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens) recently called for a special fund for climate protection or the restructuring of Deutsche Bahn.
In the country, Bayaz recently agreed the key points for the new budget with the government factions. He indicated that not only the state government had to make do with less money. In the autumn, the demands of the municipalities remained unfulfilled during the budget deliberations. Bayaz gave little hope that that would change now.