Battery acid on the road: the A5 in the Wetterau, according to the last accident the car is locked

The highway 5 in the direction of Frankfurt is the car in Butzbach after an accident with several trucks full of blocked – traffic was building up around 9.30 am to around seven kilometers in length. The reason is that the battery is to run acid, as the police announced on Monday.

the rear-end collision was involved, according to police, the truck was loaded with batteries. The acid was then leaked, a spokesman said. The fire Department had suits, therefore, in protection, to this deprivation of the blood supply. For more Details about the accident were not immediately known.

Who wants to head South, you should travel as usual in such cases, at the gambacher Kreuz to the A45 until seligenstädter Dreieck. From there it then goes over the A3 to Frankfurter Kreuz. On the A3 it is not jammed inside currently.

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