Bavaria: Another bomb found in Leipheim

Leipheim (dpa / lby) – Another aircraft bomb from the Second World War has been found in Leipheim near Günzburg. The bomb is to be defused on Wednesday morning. According to the police, the explosive device weighing 68 kilograms was found on Tuesday during excavation work on a company premises. Another bomb was recently found on the same site.

The population should leave the area within a radius of 400 meters around the site. A primary school and a supermarket will be closed as a precaution. The work should be completed by around 11:00 a.m.

In Leipheim was a military airfield. The Günzburg area was therefore the target of carpet bombing during World War II, as a police spokesman from Günzburg said. Several aircraft bombs have recently been found in the Günzburg area.

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