Augsburg (dpa / lby) – The Bavarian SPD accuses the state government of putting too little money into the hospitals for many years. “The underfunding of hospitals and the investment backlog have their roots in Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber’s austerity policy at the beginning of the 2000s,” said Ruth Waldmann, member of the state parliament, to the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Saturday).
The Free State must give the hospital landscape at least around 400 million euros more. In addition, Bavaria needs modern supply planning. The CSU-led state government is avoiding change. “The result will be: some hospitals will go bankrupt and have to close.”
The Bavarian SPD leader Florian Brunn told the newspaper about the situation in the clinics: “There is a lack of nursing staff everywhere, there is a lack of money for investments everywhere – to the detriment of the patients.” The hospitals are in need: “Our mayors and district councilors say: Something has to happen, it can’t go on like this.”