Bertin Osborne and Florentino Fernández, Saids Star of Telemadrid

Telemadrid has filed Florentino Fernández and Bertín Osborne to present two new spaces in Prime Time, whom he has described as “two faces dear by the public” and in a movement that he has explained as “star sheets” and as “clear commitment to

Bertín Osborne will lead the Bertín show, a magazine of entertainment, in which each week receives a famous.
Next Tuesday, October 12 will be anne igartiburu the interviewee and she will participate in the various games and sections of the program with the singer’s collaborators.
In future deliveries, David Bustamante will be David Bustamante, the Bético Joaquin player or María de Monte among many other familiar faces.

The format produced by Proamagna, has already been issued in Canal Sur, and has just been renovated on Andalusian television.
It will also receive the prize for the Best Autonomous Program of the National Awards heretv, awarded by Popular Voting.

For his part, Florentino Fernandez will tour the community of Madrid looking for people whose lives could be the argument of a film.
Film lives is a new format of emotions and entertainment.

The heart of the program is an itinerant summer cinema, which all the inhabitants of a town are invited to the most special projection of their lives.

Both the spectators of the program, as the guests at the cinema, will be surprised by the projection of the stories and testimonies never known from their neighbors, family and loved ones.

Produced by Shine Iberia, MasterChef’s producer or sewing teachers, film lives premiere next Wednesday, October 13 and FLO moves to Chinchón in the first program.

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