Canizares returns to comment on the crash Kings after knowing that I was not going to 237 km/h

“Kings don’t deserve a tribute as if he were a hero”

Santiago Canizares , that after the death of José Antonio Reyes was the talk of half Spain by the message he posted on his Twitter account –”move with excess speed is an attitude reprehensible. In the accident the victims have been in addition to the driver. Reyes doesn’t deserve a tribute as if he were a hero. But that does not mean that you regret what happened and to pray for their souls. What is intolerable I find it in who is happy”, wrote–, has returned to speak about it.

Specifically, he has referred to the latest news of the case, pointing out that utrera was not flowing to 237 km/h that in principle is indicated. Now, the estimated speed oscillates between the 111 and 128 km/h , according to the program Public Mirror. In it, an expert qualifies the event as “a tragedy inevitable” .

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