Economy When the summer extra pay is charged

Every June active workers and pensioners receive an extra summer pay along with their monthly payroll.

A right that for employees is recognized in article 31 of the Workers’ Statute. Thus, the extra pay is made up of the worker’s base salary, which is quoted on the payroll, and also the special supplements from which he benefits in each monthly payment. It can never be less than the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI) which is currently 1,080 euros.

In some cases, the payment of the two annual extras may be prorated within the 12 monthly payrolls.

On the other hand, pensioners in this financial year 2023 their extra summer pay, which will be issued by Social Security, is added to the monthly pension.

Both payments include the 8.5% improvement approved in the General Budgets for this year by the Government.

Both companies and Social Security enter the extra summer pay at the same time that they pay the payroll for the corresponding month.

For this reason, the extra pay for summer 2023 will be processed by the banks at the end of the month.

In order to find out the origin of the extra payments of wages, it is necessary to travel first to the year 1945, the year in which the Christmas extra pay was approved in Spain, and to the year 1947 with the implementation of the summer extra pay.

Then, in the midst of Franco’s dictatorship, an extraordinary pay is established, which has a value similar to that of a week of work to compensate for the salary devaluation in the labor market.

In those years, the extra summer pay was also linked to a key date of the Franco dictatorship, July 18, the date of the coup in the Second Republic. From 1938 to 1978 the festival of the Exaltation of Labor also took place

With the arrival of democracy in Spain, Labor Day was moved on the calendar to the current May 1 in memory of the tragic events in Chicago.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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