European school: An educational institution in the queue

should Actually be already fixed, where the students of the European school in the future taught. The educational institution of the European Union has been suffering from for quite some time-space problems. Your building in Niederursel is too small for the many students that come through the extension of the European Central Bank and Bank supervision. But the city has offered the Federal government for the construction of educational facilities for the employees of the European institutions responsible, still no plot – though she is obliged to do so. Lord mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD) has now asked Baudezernent Jan Schneider (CDU), to provide in the short term, a plot of land available. But the complains about the lack of support of his magistrate colleagues.

Rainer Schulze

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

to find A location for the European school, was a task for the whole of the magistrate, says Schneider. “Without the cooperation of the departments for Planning, environment, transport, Sport, as well as education it will be impossible to develop a suitable plot of land,” he says. Because for all of the sites traffic, as well as environmental, planning and construction are real concerns to. Schneider favors an extension of the school on the existing site, without the neighbouring Ernst-Reuter-suffers school including. The coalition was agreed on, to this purpose, an urban planning competition to be read at the top. The necessary approval of the education Department Sylvia Weber (SPD) from standing but still, writes Schneider.


when The timetable changes are asked, apparently, is the view that Weber blocked in this way for strategic reasons, as your group wants to build the European school, on the Kaiserlei, and on that land, on the economy, head of Department Markus Frank (CDU), a multi-purpose arena, and build to let. “It is necessary to consider all possible options professionally, in their feasibility to assess and to formulate a preference for the city of Frankfurt,” says Schneider. He has invited Feldmann, the magistrate colleagues to participate, to ask and to him appropriate cover Letter pre-formulated.

The magistrate for irritation. The Department had also proposed a new building for the European school to the sports complex main Wasen in Sachsenhausen, for which a replacement site wanted to be. Schneider is committed publicly to the multi-function hall at the Kaiserlei. “According to the current state” do not stand this plot of land for the European school. However, this could change: The most promising Investor for the Arena has recently backed out.

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