For now, it will be prohibited to ride against one-way

in a little more than two years ago, the city of a sign that allow for two-way traffic for cyclists, while there is a one-way street for motorists. At more than 350 locations in Stockholm, sweden and saw the road signs.

the Idea behind it was that it would result in a better traffic and road safety, but the transport agency says that it’s meant as a security risk.

According to the Swedish transport agency, the city has not the right to allow cycling in both directions on one-way streets in the city. Therefore, to reject one of the city’s appeal of the earlier decision.

” We haven’t been able to find that in Stockholm, sweden has been the support, in order to make a decision on the one-way traffic, with the exception of a certain motor vehicle theft act. In essence, this means you are going to have the support of the law, in order to be able to make a decision, ” said Lars Hammar, researcher at the Swedish transport agency.

Photo: Magnus Hallgren, Magnus and Hallgren, Magnus and Hallgren

the local traffic laws. In particular, it is about his safety, according to the Swedish transport agency, and the risk of colliding with cars if cyclists coming from the opposite direction.

” If you are an owner finds himself in a one-way street to make a left turn, you should position your vehicle as far to the left of the road as possible. If the traffic is allowed to the other side, then they are in direct competition with each other, ” says professor He.

the appeal in the municipal road signs with the county administrative board, which stated that the road signs are contrary to the rules and trafikfarliga. The city appealed the ruling to the Swedish transport agency, which will give the county the right, and the decision may not be appealed.

the Stockholm trafikborgarråd, Daniel Helldén (MP), are not happy with the transport agency’s decision, referring to the rest of Europe’s traffic laws. In Denmark, Norway, sweden and Germany, they are riding a bicycle to run in the opposite direction on one-way roads.

” I think it’s kind of funny that they made the decision, as it will work just fine in Europe. It will also make it clearer and easier for motorists to know what happens next. The day is often the case that cyclists are running against a one-way street-there is no sense of the markings that are there, ” he said.

to less safety, according to Daniel Helldén. He feels that it, too, can cause confusion for overseas visitors when the traffic rules are different from the rest of Europe.

” It is only in Sweden that deviate from the European rules. It is a sad state of affairs, we have been able to create a good traffic environment to which the Locals accept it. It doesn’t feel good, we are going to take down the signs again, and to make it worse. I would have liked to see the transport board would be a little more broad-minded, and that they have taken a wise decision.

at 2.5 million, but it’s also going to be the cost to take down the signs.

Daniel Helldén believe that it is now the minister for infrastructure, Thomas Eneroth (S) in the table that the introduction of a new piece of legislation.


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