Google says you have reached the supremacy quantum

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A team of researchers from Google said to have reached the supremacy quantum for the first time. The british newspaper Financial Times leaked last Friday, a draft of a research article from the californian company posted on a NASA web, in which he explained that his quantum computer had been able to perform a task that is beyond the scope of the supercomputer conventional more powerful. The ad was subsequently removed ( can be seen here) in a way mysterious, without seemingly any explanation.

Google’s use of supercomputers at NASA as a reference point for experiments of supremacy. According to the document, the processor quantum of the famous search engine has performed a calculation in three minutes and 20 seconds, a job to the supercomputer world’s most advanced, known as Summit, will take about 10,000 years. The experiment would be “the first calculation that can only be performed on a processor of the quantum”.

At the beginning of the 1980s, Richard Feynman suggested that a quantum computer would be an effective tool, and much cheaper to solve problems in physics and chemistry. In the article, the researchers claim to have made that dream a reality in the physical: “Our experiment is a milestone toward quantum computing to large scale: the supremacy quantum “. And added: “By achieving this milestone, we show that the acceleration of quantum can be achieved in a real-world system and is not impeded by any physical law hidden.” However, Google has not commented on the document , it seems that I was not destined to see the light.

As the flight of the Wright

As explained in MIT Technology Review, the quantum computers are so powerful because they take advantage of the quantum bits or qubits. Unlike classical bits, which represent a 1 or a 0, qubits can be in a sort of combination of both at the same time. Thanks to other quantum phenomena, these machines can process large amounts of data in parallel to the conventional need to be processed sequentially.

if confirmed, the achievement of the internet giant would be something fantastic. Will Oliver, a professor of MIT and a specialist of quantum, it compares that milestone computer with what was the first flight of Wright brothers to aviation. In addition, the immense processing power could help researchers and businesses to discover new drugs and materials , and enhance the artificial intelligence and the machine learning .

A single quantum computer is equivalent to a gigantic number of computers conventional, but this does not necessarily mean that they will be replaced. Dario Gil, IBM, and also expert in the quantum world, says the magazine of the MIT that both types of computers “will work in concert, since each one has its strong points”. At his trial, many problems will continue to need computers classic to be resolved. Precisely, the company announced some days ago that already has ready a new quantum computer for commercial purposes with a capacity of 53 qubits.

The minimum error

The quantum computing still have to solve a number of problems. The machines are prone to small perturbations which can modify the information and distort the result of the calculation. Even the slightest temperature change, or a small vibration, can destroy the delicate state of the qubits. Errors can spread rapidly and destabilize the computer. The researchers are working to make these machines more reliable and simple. Although some are already available through cloud computing, could still take many years, probably decades, before they are widely available. Google may have given an essential first step on that path.

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