Google turns 23: We give you 7 tricks to get the most

On September 27, 1998, today is born in the United States Google.
His ideologists, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, created the search engine as a university project and, curiously, his first name was not Google but Backrub.

Two decades later, Google’s is the most visited website in the world.
Every second records more than 88,000 searches, more than 6,000 million per day.
92% of all search traffic on mobile devices comes from Google.

But his hegemony does not end there.
Services such as Gmail (more than 1,500 million people had an account in 2018), Google Maps or YouTube, are also part of the Giant Google Inc.

As much as we think we know well the Google search engine, there may be some details that escape us.
For those we have compiled seven tricks that could come well know.

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