Heroic 104-Year-Old Saves Brentwood Homes from Palisades Fire


**Heroic 104-Year-Old Saves Brentwood Homes from Palisades Fire**

In a daring and heart-stopping display of bravery, a 104-year-old reservoir became the unsung hero in the battle against the raging Palisades fire threatening Brentwood and Encino. Fire aircraft desperately needed a water source to combat the wildfire, and they found an unlikely savior in the Encino Reservoir, located just a stone’s throw away from the front lines of the inferno.

### The Unassuming Hero: Encino Reservoir
The Encino Reservoir, a cherished local landmark nestled in the Encino Hills, has served the San Fernando Valley faithfully for over a century. However, this weekend, it took on a new and critical role as an emergency water supply during the Palisades fire crisis. While much of the media coverage focused on the dramatic aerial firefight, the Encino Reservoir quietly played a pivotal role behind the scenes.

### Lifeline in Times of Crisis
The reservoir’s strategic location allowed firefighters to access water mere miles away from the fire’s path, enabling them to launch aggressive water drops and contain the blaze. This crucial proximity not only saved precious time but also provided a lifeline to the communities at risk of devastation. Despite its age, the Encino Reservoir proved to be a vital asset in the fight against nature’s fury.

### A Legacy of Protection
Built in the 1920s as part of a visionary plan by William Mulholland to secure and store water for a growing city, the Encino Reservoir has weathered debates and challenges over the years. Originally intended for regular water supply, the reservoir’s role evolved to include emergency response measures for earthquakes, droughts, and now, wildfires. Residents and officials alike recognize its significance as a protected landmark that holds the key to safeguarding communities in times of crisis.

### The Unspoken Hero
While helicopters and firefighters captured the spotlight during the intense battle against the Palisades fire, the Encino Reservoir stood silently but steadfastly as a beacon of hope and resilience. Its enduring presence symbolizes the unwavering commitment to protecting lives and homes, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

As we celebrate the bravery and dedication of our frontline responders, let us also remember the unsung heroes like the Encino Reservoir, whose silent strength and unwavering support ensure that communities stand strong in the midst of chaos. Next time you see a reservoir, remember that it’s not just a body of water—it’s a lifeline, a protector, and a beacon of hope in times of darkness. Let’s raise a virtual toast to the hidden champions that keep our world safe and secure, one drop at a time.

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