Hesse: Further relaxation in Corona in Hesse: Incidences are falling

Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – The important incidences for assessing the corona pandemic in Hesse are declining. But the vaccination campaign is stagnating.

INCIDENCE: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the seven-day incidence of new corona infections was 346.5 in Hesse on Wednesday (as of 3:11 a.m.). A week ago it was 523.7. The incidence indicates how many people have been proven to be infected with the virus in one week per 100,000 inhabitants.

In all districts, the incidence is below the value of 500. For the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg, the RKI showed a value of 459.3 and thus the highest in a Hessian municipality. The city of Offenbach still has the lowest incidence with 266.6. It should be noted that not every infected person now goes to the doctor or to a test center. Only laboratory-confirmed cases are counted.

DEATHS: On Wednesday, the RKI put the number of people who died nationwide in connection with the virus at 10,096. That’s 40 more than a week earlier. In which cases Covid-19 was the main cause of death and in which the patients died of other diseases and were also corona-positive is usually not clear from the information provided by the hospitals.

HOSPITALS: The Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs considers the so-called hospitalization incidence to be an important indicator. It indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants were hospitalized with a corona infection. On Wednesday, the daily value for Hesse was 2.7 and has therefore fallen within a week. A week earlier it had been 3.13.

INTENSIVE STATIONS: According to data from the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Divi), there were 60 corona patients in the intensive care units of the Hessian clinics on Wednesday. 25 had to be ventilated. A week earlier there were 76 corona patients, 34 of whom had to be ventilated.

VACCINATION RATE: Rates are stagnating. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, 74.5 percent of the population in Hesse was recently fully vaccinated against Sars-CoV-2. 57.2 percent had received a third vaccination. If you only take the age group from twelve years, the fully vaccinated proportion is 82.5 percent, 64.4 percent are boosted. There is only a very slight increase in the total of third vaccinations.

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