Hesse: Signature for traffic referendum possible until Sunday

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The collection of signatures for the planned referendum on traffic change ends next weekend. The initiators once again called for participation. “Every signature counts. Anyone who isn’t there yet should do so,” said Ansgar Hegerfeld, a representative of the “Verkehrswende Hessen” initiative. The aim is a traffic turning law that will make mobility in Hesse climate-neutral and socially just by 2030. Cycle paths, footpaths and, above all, buses and trains are to be greatly expanded.

The coming Sunday (July 31) was set as the end of the collection of signatures. Almost a month later, on August 28, the signatures are to be handed over to Transport Minister Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens) in Wiesbaden. In the first step, almost 44,000 signatures must be collected. Their collection began at the beginning of September 2021. According to Hegerfeld, the initiators are satisfied so far with the course of the campaign.

The initiators include the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC), the pedestrian association Fuss and the cycling decisions in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Kassel and Offenbach. You can sign at around 350 collection points throughout Hesse.

The decision on the approval of the referendum is made by the state returning officer. Another signature campaign could then begin. If this is successful, the state parliament must deal with the proposed law. If the law is not passed, a referendum is possible.

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