How Full Moon of April 2023: when is the Pink Moon, at what time can it be observed and how to see it

The sky brings us this spring of 2023 an agenda full of phenomena: two eclipses, planetary conjunctions, shooting stars… Another must-see event for astronomy lovers is the full moon in April, a full moon also known as the Pink Moon or Luna Pascual and which takes place this Thursday, April 6.

This full moon is the first of spring, so it is also the one that marks the dates of Easter. Easter Sunday is located each year on the calendar on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon and from this date the rest of the days of Holy Week are established. Hence, this full moon is called Pascual Moon.

The full moon in April is also known as the Pink Moon, although its name is not due to the fact that the satellite appears with reddish light on that day. On April 6, a full moon will be seen, large and very bright, yes, with its usual white and silver shine. If it is called that, it is because this full moon coincides with the flowering of the wild mossy phlox or subulata plant, whose flower can take on pinkish tones.

The origin of the names of the moons dates back to the Native Americans of the North and East of the United States, who for centuries baptized the full moons with different names, evoking an important event that coincides in each month. Thus we have the full moon of the wolf (January), of the snow (February), of the worm (March) or of the sturgeon (August), among others. In other places on the planet, the full moon in April is also known as the Egg Moon, the Seed Moon or the Sprout Moon.

According to the data of the National Geographic Institute, the full moon of April, the fourth of the 13 full moons of 2023, takes place on Thursday, April 6 under the sign of Libra, reaching its maximum point at 6:34 p.m. In this way, the best time to enjoy the Pink Moon in all its splendor will be the night from Wednesday to Holy Thursday.

The full moon occurs when the Earth is located in a straight line between the Sun and the Moon. At this moment, the lunar disk appears fully illuminated and very bright, making it possible to locate the main features of the near side of the moon, such as the seas and the largest craters, very easily.

To see the full moon it is not necessary to have a telescope, since our own eyes are enough to contemplate its magical lighting, even being able to distinguish certain features of its face. Of course, the use of binoculars allows you to appreciate more details of its surface.

The most important thing will be to situate ourselves at a high point, without obstacles and where there is little light pollution.

The Lyrid meteor shower will also be important this April. This meteor shower will reach its maximum activity around April 22, almost without the Moon, since the new moon will have taken place on the 20th.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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