How to help children understand climate change

“If the book does not appeal to your child in the fifth page, give him another””it is time for the fourth educational revolution: the of learning”

The concern for climate change and the preservation of the environment has ceased to be the exclusive property of the ecologist . Today, it is increasingly common to hear talk about it on the news —unfortunately, not for good news— and to read analysis that we are ahead of the risks that we face if those who govern the destinies of the world do not take drastic measures of urgency to stop the global warming. But the truth has been erected as an authentic the protagonists of the struggle for the defense of the planet are young people .

This week, the weather emergency has crept into the political agenda with the celebration of the Climate Summit in New York, and juvent you from all over the world, led by the activist Swedish 16 years Greta Thunberg, has mobilized to demand that world leaders stop speeches and to pass from one time to the action. What is at stake is their own future, and time is of the essence: or taking drastic measures already, or the survival of the planet in which they will live will not be guaranteed.

global movement Youth for the Climate held every Friday teens from all over the world to stand up and demand solutions to slow global warming, whose effects have already begun to make its presence felt in the present —it is not a problem of the future: it is already here—. But this week has been special for the mobilizations, culminate this Friday with a general strike this time there will be only seconded by the students, but thousands of the associations of civil society have added to its appeal.

The young people have tired of the inactivity of the governments and have taken the reins of your future want to change the rules of the game and require decision-makers to respect their right to live in a sustainable world .

Educating in the school and in the family

But the change has to start not only of economic and political decisions, but also of a awareness of each and every one of us s, to adopt habits that contribute to the protection of the environment and the sustainability of the planet. And it is important that such awareness is to start from the first years of the life of the children, both from the school environment as from one’s own family, for the day of tomorrow has many ‘Gretas Thunberg’ defending our world.

But, how do you understand to the children that, although they are small, they can do great things and to become activists against climate change?

The first step is to explain in what consists and how it can affect the earth, animals and plants, and even our lives. To do this we must use concepts and ideas that are close and understandable. For example, the melting glaciers, the polar bears will no longer have a place to live. Or that increasing the level of the water, some sites you go on vacation could disappear, flooded. Or to the sea reach the remains of the plastic that we human beings use, that is eat fish and can get sick, and then we can even get sick of us when we eat the fish.

There is an important variety of books and storytelling adapted to all the ages in which it speaks of all of this, of ecosystems, of the importance of taking care of the environment, which can be an interesting option to cultivate the habit of reading while raising awareness of this reality.

in Addition, in the technology we find other alternatives that make it possible for the approach to these topics is done in a manner enjoyable and fun. Through it, the children can interact and learn about animals and ecosystems with which they have contact in their daily lives, and are able to develop empathy with the parts of the world that are currently suffering the worst effects of climate change.

mobile applications are a clear example of the possibilities offered by the technology: there is an interesting variety of apps with games, songs, stories, or cartoons that help the youngsters to understand in a simple way why we should take care of the planet and what can they do to contribute to this end , turning them this way the protagonists of the environmental action. Even there are people who are doing this work while the kids practice English, making the experience even more enriching.

Learn how to avoid the unnecessary waste of water and electricity, how to properly recycle each type of material, how to behave when they are in the middle of the nature, how to treat animals or how to reduce the pollution of the cities…

All of this not only is possible to do so from a young age, but it is necessary. Because children of today are the adults of tomorrow , which must make the decisions that will mark the future of the world, and because it is important to understand as soon as possible that each small gesture that we make in our day-to-day to protect the environment can have a huge and wonderful consequences.

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