How to Oppose the Treasury 2024: date, requirements and number of places

The Ministry of Finance has announced 1,042 entry positions in the Technical Body of the Treasury and another 1,167 for the General Administrative Body of the State Administration, a specialty of Agents of the Public Treasury, according to two resolutions published in the Official Gazette of the State.

Specifically, selective processes are being called to cover 504 places through the free access system and 538 places through the internal promotion system, for admission to the Treasury Technical Corps.

For its part, selective processes are called to cover 823 places through the free access system and 344 places through the internal promotion system, for entry into the General Administrative Body of the State Administration, a specialty of Public Treasury Agents.

The deadline for submitting applications will be twenty business days starting on January 9, 2024, the day following the publication of this call published in the Official State Gazette.

The submission of applications will be carried out electronically with an electronic certificate or through the ‘Cl@ve PIN’ system, through the electronic headquarters of the State Tax Administration Agency.

Applicants must possess, as of the end of the application submission period, and maintain until the moment of taking office as a career civil servant, in addition to those listed in section Ten of Order HFP/688/2017, of July 20, the following requirements:

1. Spanish nationality.

2. Be sixteen years of age and not exceed the maximum age of forced retirement.

3. Be in possession of or able to obtain a Bachelor’s or Technician’s degree. Likewise, the provisions of Order EDU/1603/2009, of June 10, which establish equivalences with the titles of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachelor regulated in Organic Law 2/2006, of 3, will be followed. of May, of Education, modified by Order EDU/520/2011, of March 7. In the case of degrees obtained abroad, you must be in possession of the corresponding homologation credential or, where applicable, the corresponding certificate of equivalence. This requirement will not apply to applicants who have obtained recognition of their professional qualification, in the field of regulated professions, under the provisions of European Union law.

4. Possess the functional capacity necessary to perform the functions derived from the position to be performed.

5. Applicants who attend the call through internal promotion must also meet the following requirements:

a) Belong, as career civil servant personnel or as permanent labor personnel.

b) Have provided effective services for at least two years.

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