IBERDROLA and ENDESA are shot in the stock exchange before the possibility that Ribera softens its hack

IBERDROLA and ENDESA have celebrated with joy in the stock exchange the possibility that the Government moderates the ax caused on the income of its nuclear and hydraulic plants to contain the strong rise in the price of light.
The Vice President of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, yesterday began a round of meetings with the five great leaders of the electricity operated in the country to address the complex situation of the electricity invoice, which continues to rise despite the noise that has generated between investors
Your package of measurements.

The possibility that Ribera suspends the regulation he approved less than a month ago – as he published five days – promoted the contribution of electricity, which still is 10% below the level they registered before adjustment.
Official sources of ecological transition were limited to explain that the ministry would review its measures if Europe takes the reins of the crisis and approves measures for the continent’s assembly.

Electric and industrial companies trust that Ribera corrects the drain that has caused his market intervention in numerous and various fronts.
Few believe that he will kick out his own regulation, since this would irritate the United we can and would leave in a situation very committed to the vice president himself, but he is betting that changes will occur to the pressure on the industrial groups – to which the
Own IBERDROLA or ENDESA have already warned that they will repercuterize the hax- or adjust it to the current gas prices to prevent the adjustment from being even greater than at 2,600 million euros intended initially.

The Ribera problem is that it is trapped by the validation of the Royal Decree Act that collects the measures, scheduled for next Thursday, October 14.
Any change before that date could jeopardize the necessary support of matches such as ERC, Bildu or the United Can, Keys to obtain green light.

The electrications will be the latest interested in being received by Ribera, which met on Monday with the great industry and Tuesday with consumer associations.
José Bogas, Executive Director of Endesa, inaugurated yesterday the series of meetings, who also contemplate meetings with executives at the highest level of Iberdrola, Naturgy, EDP and ACCIONA.

Bogas exposed ENDESA’s proposals to contain the increase of electricity.
Among them, release the strategic reserves of the gas of the system, which are accounted for at a much lower price than the market, and adjust annually the regulated retribution of the oldest renewable energies.
These facilities have recognized a 7.4% retribution, but at this time they are entering much more money for the prices that the wholesale market is registering.
When regularization is performed, in 2023, they will have to return the difference between what is charged and stipulated.
Endesa’s proposal is that this regularization occurs at the end of this exercise, which would be an injection of 4,000 million euros in the system according to the calculations made by the company.

The average daily price of electricity in the wholesale market will go down today until 229.2 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), 20.6% less than today, although it will be the second highest record in history.
After concluding September with a half-record price, October already registers the five highest values seen so far by only eight days, according to the data of the designated electricity market operator (OMIE) collected by Europe Press.

This Friday, the price will rise by 6.1% compared to a week ago, when electricity in the Spanish wholesale market was at 216.01 euros / MWh.
Comparing it with a year ago, the price of electricity increases 421.86%, that is, five times more than 43.95 euros that were then recorded.

The highest price on this Friday will be between 21.00 and 22.00, when it will reach the 290 euros / MWh, while the lowest will be recorded between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., with 188.6 euros / MWh.

This situation occurs in full escalation of the price of all raw materials linked to energy throughout the world, such as gas, oil and coal, which fires at the same time the rights of CO2, also at historical maximums.

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