José Ángel Pranda admits the rape of the Pamplona herd and asks for forgiveness to the victim

“My total repentance for crime by which I fulfill this sentence, and my personal request for forgiveness to the victim for the damages caused, which I am deeply, and also to their direct relatives.”
With these words, in capital letters and the fist and lyrics of him, José Ángel Preta asks for forgiveness to the victim of the group rape by which he was condemned by the other four members of the known as the herd.

The letter he has advanced the newspaper and has had access to the world, written from Port III of Cádiz, where he is prisoner, and dated July 21, 2021, was sent a couple of months ago by the garment
The second section of the provincial audience of Navarra, the organ that judged the case in November 2017.

In the missive, of a single folio, José Ángel Preta also asks “that this forgiveness is communicated and transmitted to the victim and his relatives through the means provided by the administration of justice for it (and that please record in my execution
and penitentiary file this request in writing and I be copied from it) ”

Since the provincial audience of Navarra, they explain that they received the letter on August 4 and that they did not transfer it to the parties.
On September 20, the defense of El Praise, exercised by lawyer Agustín Martínez Becerra, asked the audience to communicate the written to the parties and in particular the victim, process that has not yet been done, according to the court
Superior Justice of Navarra.
“There is no express recognition of the crime but tacit,” says a knowledgeable lawyer of the case, who believes that the words of the garment, rather than sincere repentance, are aimed at achieving penitentiary permits, hence the request to be included.
In its “execution and penitentiary file”.

José Ángel Preta, as the rest of young Sevillanas members of La Manada, was sentenced in April 2018 by the provincial audience of Navarra to nine years in prison for a crime of sexual abuse, penalty that in June 2019 the Supreme Court raised to
15 years when considering that the facts were constitutive of a crime of sexual assault and not abuse.
“That by means of this written, I would like to express with all due respect to this Court in relation to the Executory 20/2019, on a personal capacity and in the strictest confidentiality the following,” the letter starts in reference to the sentence of the Supreme

After two years in preventive detention when being detained the day after the facts, those of La Manado were released on July 21, 2018 and again detained and entered in prison on June 21, 2019, after the firm judgment of the
The garment has already fulfilled four years and three months of the 15 years of conviction for what he is a candidate for penitentiary permits.
Among the requirements, figure is in second or third degree – he is in second -, having turned a quarter of the sentence – to have also complies – or not having had misconduct or having been sanctioned in prison.
Repentance also plays in favor of the granting of outputs.

“And that I will work tirelessly for repairing the damage. For all this, attentively …”, José Ángel finishes, Get the Letter.

The Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, interprets José Ángel in a TUIT, the first step for the victim’s repair “, and has affirmed that” today it sounds stronger the ‘I do believe you’ “.
Montero has added that social repair is also important since “throws by land the questions and accusations of false complaint.”

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