Judges and prosecutors maintained the strike of the 19-N and the association of the minister Delgado mark distances

Justice boasts that the strike of judges and prosecutors “is not against the current team,” Dolores Delgado

All the judges and prosecutors agree to go on strike on the 19th of November against the management of the minister Delgado

less than a week of over 7,500 legal professionals -judges and prosecutors – are called to support a strike to demand “Justice strong, with media and with a renewed image of independence”, six of the seven partnerships conveners issued on Tuesday a joint statement to make it clear to the minister of the bouquet, Dolores Delgado, who maintained the strike planned for the 19th November.

Only the Union of Progressive public Prosecutors (UPF), which belongs to Thin, decided to disassociate itself from that statement and spread one solo in the reporting that keeps the strike, but takes distances with respect to six other organisations in relation to the role the minister is playing in the negotiations with the collective.

The UPF chose not to sign the communiqué that marked the rest of associations and issue his own with the sole purpose of thanking the minister to “efforts” which, according to this organization, and against the opinion of the other six, is doing to improve the situation of the professionals of the Administration of Justice. This association ensures that Delgado has “achieved more in four months than in the previous seven years of the Government of the Popular Party”.

These releases come just a day after the Ministry of Justiciaemitiera a note ensuring that the strike of the 19-N “is not against the current ministerial team”. Without a doubt, the response of the associations has not been made to wait, revealing that one of them chose to distance themselves from the rest.

The Professional Association of Magistrates (APM), the Association of Judges Francisco de Vitoria (AJFV), Justices and Judges for Democracy (JJpD), the Forum of Independent Judicial, the Association of Prosecutors (AF) and the Association of Professional Independent Prosecutors (APIF) made it clear to the minister and Thin in the three meetings held to discuss the situation of the sector -27 September, 8 November and 12 November-, “all are promises and long”.

These six associations rejected the ministry, warning that “in none of the meetings” offered “nothing concrete” of which claims the collective, despite the press releases “official” to spread Justice by ensuring the opposite.

with the exception of the UPF, the representatives of the judges and prosecutors Spanish reproach to the Government that “there is never money, no interest” for improving Justice. In this sense, they claim, both “parties in the Government and in the opposition,” an increase of wages, the creation of judicial bodies, the modernization and endowment of material resources and the independence of the Prosecutor’s office.

that Said, these six associations are not overlooked criticize the way in which the PSOE and the PP were distributed for the election of the members of the General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ). “It seems that only reach a peaceful agreement and solids in which the control of the Judiciary refers to” recognize, accusing politicians of “move to the members of the judicial career of choice” of the vocal.

The Spanish Justice is found in “an unprecedented crisis”. Is “outdated” and “obsolete” and is “insufficient” and “slow”. As well described by these six associations, who took the statement to reflect that “the critical situation that crosses the Justice is saved by the daily effort” of judges and prosecutors.

For its part, the association of tax that belongs to the minister -prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional until he was appointed responsible of the Ministry of Justice last June – chose to applaud the work of this department since it fell into the hands of the PSOE.

For the UPF is an achievement that the ministry recognised the right to strike of judges and prosecutors, and justifies the intent of the department of Delgado from the deduction in the salary of the professionals who support the strike that day, in front of the other six associations, which opposed it.

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