Laryngitis: How to relieve the coughing dog in the middle of the night

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The laryngitis is already here. The arrival of the autumn , with its sudden changes of temperature, it is the perfect breeding ground for viruses that cause acute respiratory disease in which inflammation occurs in the mucosa laryngeal.

it Begins as a catarrh, or common cold, which is often accompanied by fever . But the feature most typical of this condition. which usually affects to children between 6 months and 6 years , is the cough metal, that looks like a dog or seal . It can also cause hoarseness or even loss of voice .

In some cases, the inflammation of the vocal cords can cause in the child a sound hoarse sharp breathing, especially when it is inspired, it is called stridor . This noise increases when the child is agitated, cries, or is active, explains the Spanish Association of Pediatrics ( Aeped).

the symptoms of laryngitis usually get worse at night , which causes a lot of concern in parents. In these cases, pediatricians explain that some children feel a sense of relief, breathing moist air, so that it may be a good idea to use a humidifier in the room or open the hot water taps of the bathroom to fill with steam, and the child can breathe for 10-20 minutes.

Breathing in cold air you can also improve the cough, so that is another option, in autumn and winter, to nourish the child well and open a window to breathe the air of the street.

Keep the head of the small high on the bed, give the antipyretics prescribed with your pediatrician if you have a fever and is fussy, and does not force you to eat if you are half-hearted, are some of the recommendations.

it Is important give fluids , to monitor the child’s breathing and non smoking home , since the second-hand smoke worsens the cough.

In most cases, the laryngitis are viral infections so do not need antibiotic treatment . The Aeped warns that in order to alleviate the cough should not be used anges of water and alcohol, which are not effective and can irritate the skin. We should not administer cough syrups or suppositories for the cough without consulting your pediatrician.

how When to seek immediate medical attention? These are warning signs:

-When you make noise when you take the air (stridor) when the child is quiet.

-If you have difficulty in breathing: breathing is faster and faster, you will make the ribs, moves a lot of the abdomen, you are sinking in the chest, or stretch your neck.

-If you have whitish or bluish around the mouth.

-When the child has difficulty swallowing, or if drooling a lot.

-If you experience a worsening of symptoms.

The laringiti is highly contagious . To reduce the risk, pediatricians recommend the wash hands often and avoid to the extent possible the contact with people who are already acatarradas.

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