Law of Memory Those nostalgic for Primo de Rivera pay homage to him without disputes six days after his exhumation

It has been a cloudy morning in the San Isidro cemetery. The sun’s rays have shone by the absence of it. Despite this, some 400 Falangists, according to the National Police, have sought, with their right arms raised, to sing facing the celestial body. The agents, bearing in mind the altercations that took place last Monday, kept watch over those who attended the ceremony, in addition to being accompanied by five riot vans.

And it is that today has been the first time that José Antonio Primo de Rivera has been honored in the capital’s cemetery. Gone are 64 years where the founder of the Spanish Falange was buried in the Valley of the Fallen.

Already in the cemetery, a long road has transported the “comrades” to the grave. It was at 12:15 p.m. when the religious act began, in which a phrase recited by the priest stood out the most: “Forgive his sins and place him on your right”, in reference to Primo de Rivera. In the liturgical act, the old shirts and the new generations of Falangists have been intermingled, who wore shirts that prayed emblems of the South Fund or reflected swastikas. A few minutes later, several dozen people with visible tears in their eyes filled the tomb with bouquets and wreaths of red and yellow flowers.

After the response and outside the cemetery, the current leader of the Falange, Manuel Andrino, has proceeded to recite a warmongering speech with a clear objective, “the social communist government.” “In front of those of the Memory, the last words of José Antonio: ‘hopefully mine were the last drops of blood that were shed in this war'”. Continuing with an extravagant political discourse, from the top it has been expressed that “we are in a rotten and rotten Spain, where mothers murder their children in their wombs.” In addition to reciting premonitions regarding the upcoming general elections: “With this popular-front government, and the right-wing one that comes, nothing will change.”

Linking it to this aspect, he has not forgotten to remember the founder of his party: “José Antonio was assassinated by the ancestors of the social communists who govern Spain today”

Nor has he wanted to ignore the Primo de Rivera family, whose attitude during the exhumation process he has branded as “cowardly and rogue.” Precisely to them he has sent a direct message regarding the future: “Do not doubt that this is going to be a trail of comrades 365 days a year.” The act then culminated with the intonation of Cara al sol, which bounced off the walls of the cemetery despite having been sung some 50 meters away.

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