Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Restored weather vane comes back up after a crash

The fall of the weather vane from St. Jakobi Church in Stralsund was fortunately largely without consequences – however, the vane was damaged. Now he should be back up in new splendor.

Stralsund (dpa/mv) – After the weather vane fell off the roof of the St. Jakobi Church in Stralsund last November, the restored figure is now supposed to return to its original place at a height of about 70 meters. According to the current status, the extension is planned for next Wednesday, said church tower specialist Henrik Merger of the German Press Agency.

The cock, which weighs around 20 to 25 kilograms, fell down during an autumn storm last year – together with a part of the lance that weighs around 60 kilograms. “You can’t even imagine that,” Merger said, looking at what could have happened. Nobody was hit by the falling part at the time. Scaffolding has already been erected on the tower of the church in downtown Stralsund for the reconstruction. “It’s the most beautiful workplace in the world,” said the owner of the Rostock company Die Turmwerker. “No one can annoy you up there.”

Most recently, the approximately 1.20 meter by 80 centimeter tall figure was newly gilded. It took about three weeks, said restorer Annekathrin Gebler. The rooster from the 17th century was also lucky when he crashed. It could also have been completely broken. So, among other things, it had to be fleshed out a bit. In 1995 the figure was last overhauled and redesigned. The recording from that time was not good. This time the cock should not come down by itself if possible. Incidentally, the design of the rooster is designed to turn in such a way that it looks downwind, said Gebler.

In the course of the work, the contents of the ball under the tap will also be added. Gebler explained that it contained time capsules with money from the 17th century, among other things. Now up-to-date money and an up-to-date newspaper are to be added.

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