Meteorology Temperatures of up to 30ºC will mark the weather all week, although it will rain in the north of Spain

Heat and sun with temperatures between three and six degrees above normal for the season will star this week in most of the country, except in Galicia and some points in the northern third, where some light rain will fall, as predicted by the Agency State Meteorology (Aemet).

The Aemet spokesman, Rubén del Campo, expects high pressures to dominate the weather these days, with storms that will circulate through higher latitudes than the Peninsula and that will touch Galicia and some points in the northern third. In the rest, the skies will be little cloudy or clear, with temperatures above 20ºC in the central hours of the day in large areas of the country and more than 25ºC in the south and the Mediterranean area and warns of “very high” risk of fires during the second half of the week in areas of the Mediterranean.

Specifically, it forecasts that on Wednesday a front will touch the northwest and leave rain in Galicia, especially in its western half and in some parts of Asturias. In the rest of Spain there will be a stable environment, with fog in coastal areas with winds blowing from the south and southwest.

Temperatures will rise in a large part of the territory, but the rise will be more notable in the extreme north, especially in the eastern Cantabrian Sea and in the Pyrenees, Bilbao, Logroño, Madrid or Pamplona, ??where they will be around 23ºC and will even reach or be around 25ºC. .

In addition, in other parts of the eastern and southern half of the Peninsula, such as Zaragoza, for example, they will reach 26ºC and even in Seville or Córdoba they can reach 28ºC.

On Thursday a more active front will arrive than the one of the previous day that may affect the northwest again and will leave rains in Galicia and even in the western provinces they may be abundant, with rainfall that will spread more weakly to Asturias and nearby areas such as Castilla and León or the Cantabrian communities.

In the rest of Spain, the spokesman expects little cloudy skies or intervals of high clouds and, again, there will be the possibility of fog forming in coastal areas. That day, Thursday, however, he does not expect temperatures to change “too much”, although there will be slight drops in the eastern half and rises in the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean.

Again that day it will exceed 25ºC in the east and south of the Peninsula and even in cities in the extreme north such as Bilbao. In Murcia, Seville or Zaragoza the thermometers will oscillate between 28 and 30ºC and, therefore, there will be a hot environment for this time.

The spokesman warns that the risk of fires will be “very high or extreme” in areas of the Cantabrian and Mediterranean communities.

As for Friday, it foresees that this risk will decrease in the Cantabrian Sea, which will be lower during the weekend, but a very high or extreme risk of fires will continue in the Mediterranean regions, for which reason it insists on the importance of extreme precautions. .

On Friday, the front of the previous day will advance a little more and continue to rain in Galicia, the Cantabrian communities, the Pyrenees and perhaps also in a weak and scattered way to points in Castilla y León and northern Extremadura, while in the rest a clearer environment. That day the temperatures will drop “clearly” in the extreme north of the Peninsula, in the Bay of Biscay and in the Pyrenees, so that the risk of fires will also drop. However, in the rest of the country, temperatures will not vary much or will drop slightly except on the shores of the Mediterranean and the Balearic Islands, where temperatures will clearly rise and exceed 25ºC and even in Murcia they will exceed 30ºC.

As for the weekend, the spokesman hopes that the stable weather will most likely continue on Saturday and Sunday, with rains in Galicia and without ruling out that they spread weaker to other points in the extreme north and nearby areas of Castilla y León, with slightly rising temperatures on Saturday in much of Spain, except for the Mediterranean, where they will drop. On Sunday the opposite will happen, that is to say that the mercury will rise in the Mediterranean and will descend in the rest.

In general terms, the weekend will reach or exceed 25ºC in large areas of the east and south of the Peninsula and this warm weather and without precipitation could continue the following week.

Regarding the Canary Islands, the AEMET spokesman expects stable weather all week, without rain and with rising temperatures between Wednesday and Thursday, accompanied by suspended dust from the African continent that will give rise to haze that will reduce visibility and worsen quality from air.

Both Wednesday and Thursday the wind will blow in the archipelago, and it will do so strongly in the western islands, where the trade winds can reach gusts of 70 to 80 kilometers per hour, and the rest of the week they will continue to blow but less intense. The temperatures will not register big changes.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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