North Rhine-Westphalia: Norbert Scheuer receives the Walter Hasenclever Literature Prize

Aachen (dpa / lnw) – The writer Norbert Scheuer receives this year’s Walter Hasenclever Literature Prize from the city of Aachen. The prize, which is endowed with 20,000 euros, honors the entire work of the author, who was born in 1951, the city announced on Thursday. The jury emphasized that Scheuer created a “historical panorama” in an “outstanding way” with Kall, a setting that recurs in his books, and which reaches far beyond the Eifel. “His protagonists experience life and the world in their homeland with all facets of humanity and the disturbing.”

The author, who was born in the Eifel, wrote, among other things, the novel “Winter Bees”. According to the city of Aachen, he worked as a systems engineer until 2017 – but he also studied philosophy. His literary work began in 1994 with the publication of his first book.

The prize, which has been awarded since 1996, is awarded to literary works that can be associated with Hasenclever’s work. Previous winners include Peter Rühmkorf, Herta Müller and Robert Menasse. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place on November 12th.

Born in Aachen, Walter Hasenclever (1890-1940) is considered one of the most important playwrights and poets of German Expressionism. Under the National Socialists, the anti-fascist emigrated to France and died there in a French internment camp.

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