North Rhine-Westphalia: Stupid run: Raser receives a higher penalty after an objection

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The shot backfired: A speeder from Wuppertal earned an even higher penalty by objecting to a 6,300-euro penalty order. A Düsseldorf magistrate raised the fine for the 41-year-old for illegal car racing and traffic hazards on Monday to 8,400 euros.

He also got rid of his driver’s license. On Monday, the court ordered a 12-month ban on new acquisitions. A year ago, the man was caught on Autobahn 46: at over 190 kilometers per hour instead of the permitted speed of 120. “I only drove 130 the whole time,” the 41-year-old claimed in the dock.

He probably shouldn’t have done that, because the court had a video of the drive because civil officers had followed the breakneck driver at the time and recorded everything. When the police officers then wanted to wave the car out of a tunnel, the driver initially obediently followed them. But then he accelerated and at the last moment pulled back to the left onto the Autobahn. He had overtaken a car on the hard shoulder on the right and almost caused an accident. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

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