North Rhine-Westphalia: Warning strike at airports: Eurowings expects minor consequences

Dusseldorf (dpa / lnw) – In view of the announced one-day warning strike by Lufthansa ground staff on Wednesday, the airports affected in North Rhine-Westphalia in Cologne and Dusseldorf are preparing. Düsseldorf Airport, the largest in North Rhine-Westphalia, expected “serious impairments”. Cologne/Bonn Airport, on the other hand, expected hardly any effects. The largest airline in North Rhine-Westphalia, Eurowings, stated that it was assumed that flight operations would be largely normal throughout the network. Because of the Verdi warning strike on Wednesday, Lufthansa canceled almost the entire program at its German hubs in Frankfurt and Munich.

According to Verdi, almost 150 employees work on the ground in Düsseldorf in the areas on strike. Also affected is the Lufthansa subsidiary Leos, which takes on 70 to 80 percent of the so-called push-backs on behalf of various airlines in Düsseldorf. The aircraft are pushed back from the parking position so that they can taxi to the runway. Eurowings has secured sufficient replacement capacity in Düsseldorf, the airline said.

In the collective bargaining for a higher salary, Verdi has called for a warning strike at several airports nationwide from Wednesday from 3.45 a.m. to Thursday at 6 a.m. The union said they were assuming there would be good participation in the strike.

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