Pedro Sánchez tries to shield the multitudinous boo in 12-o approaching the kings

Pite, boos and insults.
The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has not had the best day of him today.
Both when he arrived and when he left he has had to hear the sound of the wind, that of the protests of those who have approached the Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid to celebrate the day of Hispanidad and the military stop.

It was sounding for the speakers announcing his assistance, and a torrent of cries and insult filled the Paseo de la Castellana: “Traitor”, “resignation”, were the most hearted screaming.
The President of the Government failed to avoid a generalized boo despite the fact that the public was far from the place where the authorities were.

Sánchez tried to arm himself from the whim looking for the proximity of the royal house.
In fact, he arrived with the vehicle entourage of him just two minutes before the royal family arrived at the square.
But, despite the movements of him, they caused surprise, since he broke the usual protocols looking for the closeness of Felipe VI as he realized the magazine, the boo was constant towards him.
Not even looking for the vicinity of the Queen he avoided it.

It was also striking that the President of Government as well as the Madrid authorities, the President Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, while focused on serving his defense minister, Margarita Robles.

The boos to Sánchez contrasted with the love with which the kings were received by the public at their entrance on the Paseo de la Castellana.
The “alive to the king” and “alive to Spain”, became the soundtrack of the day.

It was not a surprise.
The precedent of the whites of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, in an institutional act of the Civil Guard and pointed out what was going to happen.
Again today, the home holder received sound boos.
In the minds of many of the Protestants, the penitentiary policy with the prisoners of ETA.

Today has been the first major castren act, open to the public, which is celebrated after starting up restrictions on the pandemic.

The day of Hispanidad began soon, at 8.30.
The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, maintained a multi-conference with the controls of the international missions in which Spain participates.

Subsequently, he moved to the Castellana where, under the presidency of the kings, this military stop was celebrated, which, as the minister remembered, can be carried out after a “very hard” stage.
Because, during these months, the military have had to carry out an operation in national territory, unprecedented: the Balmi operation and, later Baluarte.
Dedicated to the decontamination of senior centers and strategic facilities, the transfer of tens of thousands of deceased, the provisioning of essential health materials … and, in addition, actions after the Filomena disaster.
And the current works in La Palma.
And the evacuation operation of Afghanistan …

“They deserve it,” they pointed out from Moncloa when there were still doubts about the convenience of convening this event by the evolution of Coronavirus.
And so it has been.
2,656 Military of the three armies, 68 aircraft and 115 vehicles have parade before the kings.
The pistolleta of the central acts, the hoisting of the flag and the homage to the fallen by Spain.
Subsequently, an air and terrestrial parade.
And then a reception in the Royal Palace, very restricted by the internal security measures against the Covid: without agape and with masks.

On the Paseo de la Castellana, thousands of people who crossed the uniformed in the day have been quoted.

The autonomous presidents of Catalonia, Pere Aragonés, and the Basque Country, Iñigo Urkullu, one more year, have made the developed to the royal family and the military family on the day of Hispanicity.
Neither the presidents of Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and from Castilla La Mancha, Emiliano García-page, but for different reasons.

The parties with parliamentary representation were also invited.
On the part of the PP, Pablo Married and the parliamentary spokeswoman, Cuca Gamarra, who were received with applause.
VOX, with its president, Santiago Abascal, and his parliamentary spokesman Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros, who were also applauded.
The President of Citizens, Francadas, also came.
One of the nearest ovations, which received the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

President Sánchez was wrapped by Robles and Grande-Marlaska.
They also attended the vast majority of the ministers, including those of we can.

The Royal Palace of Madrid has returned to welcomed this Tuesday as the tradition by the National Festion for the Reception by the Kings to the main authorities and representatives of Spanish society, although with a lower number of guests, something less 200, without
Drink and with the mandatory mask to meet the current standards.

After 2020 Felipe VI and Letizia had to suspend the reception on the occasion of the pandemic, the celebration of October 12 to an austere military act in the Plaza de Armas of the Royal Palace, on this occasion have been able to receive again
Guests in the throne room, although in a smaller number compared to other years.

The first to say hello has been the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who have followed all the members of his cabinet, with the exception of the Holder of Industry, Reyes Maroto, of Official Travel in Italy, as well as the Minister of Consumption,
Alberto Garzón, and that of universities, Manuel Castells.

Yes they have attended the rest of the members of the United Government, we can, with the Second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz, to the head as well as its General Secretary and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, and that of Equality, Irene Montero.
In the case of the United Left Leader, yes he has been at the previous military parade but he has not then attended Royal Palace.

The other absence highlighted at the reception, which has barely lasted a quarter of an hour since attendees have paraded without stopping ahead of the king and the queen, has been that of the former presidents of the government, who had been invited in this
occasion in which the rules for the pandemic have forced to reduce the number of attendees.
Europe Press

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