Politics Moncloa entrusts the comeback to the motion of censure while silencing the ministers of Podemos

“Objective achieved”; “Everything has turned out better than expected”; “Very good very good”; “very happy”… The socialist ministers did not hide their satisfaction in Congress after the failed motion of censure promoted by Vox and embodied by Ramón Tamames. In La Moncloa they believe that this milestone leaves the PSOE in a “good state of mind” at a time that was being complicated by the scale of food prices, international economic uncertainty and the Mediator case that has broken out in the socialist ranks.

In Pedro Sánchez’s team they know that the news or the political effects “are amortized at 12 o’clock” due to the frenetic political news in which Spain lives, but this week they have found an oxygen cylinder and an escape route in the motion of censure. The analysis they make in La Moncloa is that what has been experienced in the last few hours can serve to mobilize the voter of the left, less plugged in than the one of the right, according to the polls. “Look what we have in front of us,” say government sources, referring to the alternative of the PP and Vox. “It has to mobilize, be a shot to mobilize the left.”

The perception they have in La Moncloa is that although the scope and consequences of the failed motion of no confidence have yet to be defined, they consider that both the Government and the PSOE “we came out stronger” and consider that their candidates “will do well » the strategy and staging of the Government. “These debates are good for us,” reflect government sources. “We have strengthened the action of the Executive, we feel comfortable with the work done.”

In the team of the President of the Government, they thoroughly studied the hearings of the motion of censure, also as a dynamic element. They value the audience achieved by Pedro Sánchez – “There was monitoring especially in the morning” – and the more than 5.5 million viewers who saw some moment of the motion live on La 1 and Canal 24 Horas. His diagnosis is that they have had an important window of exposure to shell out the approved measures. «Measures such as pensions or the minimum wage interest people, it is verified that they have a recognition of citizenship. Talking about the action of the Government is good for the Government and for the people, “they say in the Executive.

The “good state of mind”, however, is compromised by the clash in which the coalition lives installed. The ministers of Podemos Ione Belarra and Irene Montero demand from the PSOE that now “it is time to move from words to deeds”, alluding to making progress to approve the Housing Law and the Family Law, two purple demands, and “release the hand of the PP» in the reform of the law of the only yes is yes, which has caused the most serious crisis within the Executive in the entire legislature.

These pressures are not liked in the socialist sector of the Government. There is discomfort with the insistence of the two Podemos ministers in prolonging the clash, the tension. “The facts are the decrees and laws that we have approved,” say Executive sources, who recall that they have managed to carry out more than 200 initiatives in Congress so far this legislature. “It’s just a discrepancy, one!”, they complain from the socialist sector of the Government, where they believe that the agreements and approved measures should prevail and be deployed and not so much the “noise” and disagreements. A line that Yolanda Díaz and members of the United Podemos space share as the common ones – the purple Catalan sector.

In La Moncloa they recall that “on Tuesday and yesterday the Government was speaking” from the rostrum, referring to the interventions by Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz from the rostrum, since the vice president, in a premeditated and coordinated manner, was granted a important exhibition, a “strategic and timing exercise”. “The Government spoke and the Government is proud of its actions and measures”, they settle in La Moncloa, trying to make it clear that the authorized voices are the ones that spoke from the rostrum.

Because what La Moncloa wanted was to take advantage of the focus of the failed vote of no confidence to, on the one hand, explain what they have done and what they want to do, and, on the other, put all the burden on the PP, to which they want to tie Vox, in this desire to mobilize the left-wing voter, draws the scenario that he would expect with a PP-Vox government. Prolonging the clashes in the coalition undermines this scenario.

«Feijóo has been wrong by not being there because it legitimizes the extreme right. It has not been known how to distance itself ”, is the analysis that starts from the presidential complex. “He Disappoints”. La Moncloa’s strategy was, out of respect for Ramón Tamames, to focus the message on the PP and Vox. “We have exposed what we have done and we have confronted it against nothing, which is what the PP project is.”

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