Politics Tamames announces "news" and Abascal hopes that after the leak of his speech the PP will reflect and support the motion of no confidence

The candidate for Vox’s motion of no confidence for the presidency of the government, Ramón Tamames, has announced that he will introduce “news” and “attractive initiatives for many Spaniards” in the final speech that he will deliver on Tuesday in Congress. However, he has also confirmed that he will maintain the general lines of the text that was leaked last night and that they respond to his intention to provide a “patriotic service” to the country.

For his part, the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has expressed his hope that the leak of Tamames’ intervention will help “some”, in an obvious allusion to the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to analyze the text well and Reflect on the possibility of changing the direction of your vote in the motion, that is: going from abstention to yes.

Abascal has emphasized that Tamames “is not from Vox” and that he was offered to be a candidate for the motion because he is a person of “renowned prestige and accredited independence” capable, in his opinion, of representing the desire of many “compatriots ” to see “a change of course” and pronounce at the polls now.

Tamames, in his appearance before the press, has assumed that he maintains differences of criteria with the Vox ideology, but has also assured that he shares the idea that it is necessary to defend the spirit of the Constitution of 78 which, from his point of view, now it is undermined by the Government of Pedro Sánchez.

“We cannot waste more time, nor continue allowing what happens in Catalonia, what happens with the Spanish language, nor situations of economic lack of solidarity as in the Basque Country”. For all this, Tamames said, “to prevent a series of detrimental decisions from being enshrined”, it is necessary to bet on immediate elections.

The candidate has placed special emphasis on the need to recover political consensus, although he has admitted that achieving something similar to what occurred in the Transition would be “very difficult”. In his opinion, what would be desirable would be for the three main parties PSOE, PP and Vox to make a “joint declaration” to ensure that there will not be a Frankenstein government again. “What the PSOE government is doing now, agreeing with independentistas and heirs of the terrorists,” he added, “is not socialism.”

Abascal has added to this that “a government that respects the Constitution and the separation of powers” is needed and has insisted that the rest of the parties must carefully study the drafts of Tamames’s speeches and decide their vote accordingly.

Tamames finished his speech before the press by assuring that “Spain could be almost the first country in the world if there were unity”.

Tamames has affirmed that “politics is exaggeration and many times the issues are exacerbated.” And he added: “I’m not sure that this is the worst democracy government, but it is one of the worst.”

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