Politics The PP focuses its program for 28-M on "stopping" the "deterioration" of the economy and institutions

A program designed to stop the wear and tear of institutions and alleviate the economic impact that plagues families and the middle classes. Exactly two months before the municipal and regional elections, the Popular Party presented its electoral roadmap this Sunday, understood as a “governance manual” as opposed to the “resistance manual” on which Pedro Sánchez has revolved this legislature.

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, promised this Sunday in Guadalajara that “every word and description of this program is designed to comply with it.” It is, he summarized, the bet of the main opposition party to return to politics “the value of the given word” in the face of the promises of electoral propaganda poured out by other parties, which never materialize. “Now it is a set of sayings, in four years it will be a set of facts.”

As EL MUNDO advanced this Sunday, the bulk of the PP’s framework program for 28-M goes through “alleviating the tax pressure” of families, the middle classes and companies in our country. The formation has prepared a battery of measures focused on the reduction of various taxes and, as a spearhead, continue on the path of deflation of personal income tax opened in September by the autonomies governed by the popular.

However, it is not the only point of the program. The plan, designed by the former Minister of Public Works Íñigo de la Serna and Senator Carmen Fúnez, is committed to “stopping the deterioration” of institutional quality as one of the priority objectives if it achieves governability.

In the eyes of De la Serna, the Government “does not attend to the true needs of the citizens”, but instead dedicates itself to economic “waste” and making decisions based on the demands of its partners and not for the good of the Spaniards. The PP program, structured into five major points, bases a large part of its proposals on the institutional regeneration plan launched by Feijóo last January in Cádiz.

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