Puigdemont reactive the elected assembly in Brussels as a response to the judgment of the Supreme

At least two CDR recognize the purchase and have done testing substances explosivasLa sister Puigdemont denies having been link of the expresident escaped with Torra and the CDR detenidosTorra says that the CDR-terror detainees are “engaged citizens”

The former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, on the run from Justice, Carles Puigdemont, has announced on Tuesday that reactivates the “elected assembly” of Catalonia, a private entity linked to the Council per the Republic, to prepare for the phase subsequent to the judgment of the Supreme Court against the leaders of the referendum illegal on the 1 October 2017.

So has announced the independence leader, at a press conference after the meeting that has been held in Brussels the Council, per the Republic, private organization created in parallel with the public institutions. This “space” of “elected officials”, explained Puigdemont, you must add “all the legitimate bodies” of representation in the autonomous community and you must decide and approve “the new strategy” in the phase subsequent to the judgment.

“it Is a call to all democratic forces that want the problem to be solved in a democratic way”, remarked Puigdemont, who has denied that he is giving instructions in this way to the current president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra .

“we are Not who we should give him instructions and he did not receive” , has expressed, for later to point out that there are “areas of coordination” among all the actors of the pro-independence to “give an answer as unified as possible.”

Puigdemont has also taken the opportunity to highlight the fact that the violence should not be a “pathway” to independence. “The best answer is the one that bothers the State and the State is not uncomfortable with the violence,” he said, then advocate for a citizen’s movement of peaceful and non-violent. “That’s our calling,” he insisted.

Denies his relationship with the CDR detainees

The former president of the Generalitat has also denied any relationship with the faction allegedly violent of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) through her sister and has called this leak a “construction” to try to succeed a new warrant of arrest and surrender.

“we Believe that this is part of that building to try to achieve what they have achieved with the last two euroórdenes, which is an extradition,” he said. “I do not have any relationship, directly or indirectly,” he added, before adding that it does not need “people brought” to talk with the president Torra.

it has loaded the independence leader against leakage of the Spanish Justice, which has been accused of not being “able” to prevent a summary secret comes to the media of communication. “It is quite abnormal in a democracy”, he noted.

in Addition, Puigdemont has refused to go to leave Belgium to go to a country that has no extradition agreement with Spain to face from a different place to a new order of arrest and surrender. “Absolutely not,” he assured.

“We are prepared to approach it from Belgium. More than a year ago that we are prepared,” he explained to then guarantee that they are not “lost time” since the belgian Justice ruling on the second euroorden, when you already warned them that there would be a third.

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