Rents continue to rise despite the decline in tourist homes

The employer Habtur presents a study that reveals how prices have risen 19% in two years while the supply of flats holiday has been reduced by 53% in Palma

Three of every four-story tourist stop advertise

The price of rental housing in Palma is a runaway. It matters little that the number of floors of tourist has been reduced in the capital of the balearic islands in recent times as a result of the limitations imposed by Cort or the recent law developed by the Pacte. The rates continue to rise and it is increasingly difficult to get an affordable house in the city.

as Well as highlighted yesterday, the employer of the vacation rentals in the Islands, Habtur, who presented a study from which it follows that the rental price of housing in Palma has been increased from 2016 by 19%, while in the same period the supply of tourist renting has been reduced by 53%. According to Habtur, these data demonstrate that its activity does not have an impact on the inflation of the rental.

The report of Habtur on the evolution of the market of tourist rental and the provision of residential tenancy in the last biennium complaint of the ineffectiveness of measures “prohibitionist” aimed at facilitating access to housing, highlighted his president, Joan Miralles. “You can’t ban a radical way almost all the tourist rental”, says Miralles, who asked for a change in general legislation and in the regulation of restrictive approved by the city Council of Palma, which prohibits the apartments for rent to tourists in the municipality.

The consultant Luis Falcón, author of the analysis, noted in a press conference that you can’t say that the holiday “has not had any impact” on the housing market, but that this incident “is minimal”. “The dwelling for tourist use is only 1,09% of the total housing in Palma,” said Falcón, to which those who have argued that the restriction of the holiday rental would lower the prices of the residential tenancy have confused “correlation” between the rise of that activity, and the inflation of the housing with the “causality”, which has shown “negligible”.


based on data taken from the nine main platforms of marketing vacation rentals, the analyst determines that Palm is being leased currently to tourists to 1,837 housing, while before the moratorium and subsequent approval of the law that regulates this sector were to 3,952. In the whole of the archipelago, the decrease was 17.3%, going from 2016 to this year’s season of 42.388 to 35.047; in the whole of Majorca have been reduced 32.089 to 25.686, 19.9%, and in Ibiza have gone from 5.419 to 5.013, which is a reduction of almost 7.5%.

Falcón explained that the study is carried out with a method similar to that used to account for the hotel offer, based on the data take-on “day to day” to set the average of homes that are actually in the market for holiday rentals, while other analysis, to your judgment erroneous, using accumulated data that the results are swollen.

The president of Habtur stressed that the analysis puts in evidence that auguraban that with the law of tourist rental leases were to become cheaper, “a 30 or 40%,” among whom I was, he said, the mayor of Palma, Antoni Noguera.

“we had Always said that the problem of access to housing is not dependent on the tourist rental”, but that had variables with much greater incidence in the increase as the increase of the demand for the improvement of the economy, the purchase of second homes by, primarily, of foreign nationals, restrictions on the mortgage that will push more people to rent and the stagnation of wages, exposed Miralles, among other reasons.

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