Report The Ombudsman accuses the ministries of Finance, Justice, Transport and Universities of lack of collaboration

The Ombudsman has accused four ministries -Finance, Justice, Transport and Universities-, four autonomous communities -Canary Islands, Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque Country-, the autonomous city of Melilla and 136 local entities of being “non-collaborative” administrations ” with this body in 2022 by delaying in responding to the requirements of this body or, even, failing to do so.

This is stated in an annex to the annual report of the Ombudsman that has been published this Monday and where it is recalled that the current law requires that the administrations reply to this body on the information it needs for its actions.

“But the answer offered is not always immediate and in some cases, even though it is not the most frequent, it does not come to pass, after having been claimed on several occasions. In these cases, the Ombudsman can declare to the body or unit concerned as hostile or obstructing their functions”, explains the Ombudsman in his report.

Many of these requirements have to do with ordinary issues of town halls or minor local entities such as issues related to urban planning, urban waste, etc.

For this reason, the prevalent entities in this list are usually this type of administration. Here, the Ombudsman understands the shortcomings and lack of material and human resources in small municipalities and the difficulties that collecting certain information may pose for them.

However, from this body they assert that these difficulties do not exempt them from the obligation to reply to the Ombudsman.

In the case of the ministries, in the case of the Treasury it has to do with the General Directorate of Taxes. As explained in the Annex to the Report of the body chaired by the socialist Ángel Gabilondo, the Ombudsman provided information due to the lack of response to a tax consultation.

For its part, as regards the Ministry of Justice, it has six requirements, which are related to the lawyers of the Justice Administration of Collado Villalba (Madrid) and Alzira (Valencia) and the civil registries of Guadix (Granada). ), Melilla, San Javier (Murcia) and Vinaròs (Castellón).

In what has to do with the Ministry of Transport, it is in reference to the Demarcation of State Highways in Galicia.

In the General Secretariat of Universities, the Ombudsman requested an extension of information due to the delay in resolving a claim for patrimonial responsibility derived from the delay in the resolution of the administrative procedure of equivalence of the Spanish title.

With regard to the autonomous communities, in the specific case of the Canary Islands, the Ombudsman places it as an administration that does not collaborate for matters that have to do with the Ministry of Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth, by the Ministry of Education , Universities, Culture and Sports and by the General Directorate of Human Resources of the Canary Islands Health Service.

At the Barcelona Housing Consortium, the Ombudsman requested information on the delay in the start of the rehabilitation works.

In the Community of Madrid, in the General Directorate for Decarbonization and Energy Transition, information was requested due to the lack of electricity supply in a building owned by the Madrid Housing Institute (IVIMA), due to a fire of unknown origin in the light meters.

The Ombudsman also requested information from the Basque Health Service (Osakidetza) about the lack of response to various requests for access to his medical records.

Meanwhile, in the Ministry of the Presidency of Melilla, he requested information due to administrative silence.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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