Save me expels Aunt Isabel Aunt Pantoja de los facilities for LIANTA

Magdalena Clavero, Aunt de Isabel Pantoja, visited Sálvame on Tuesday, October 5th.
The guest charged hard against Anabel Pantoja but, after incurring some contradictions in her testimony, she was expelled from the set.

Clavero attacked Anabel for not giving the site he deserves his father, Bernardo, both in the celebration of his wedding and after the death of his grandmother.
“They say you’re acting like a lianta. You put the wedding to break yesterday with terrible reviews. You were made a fury, it has been called someone,” he warned Jorge Javier Vázquez.
It was then when José Antonio León intervened to give information.

“I do not know if they are compucked Magdalena and Bernardo to take money, yesterday they were together Magdalena, Bernardo and her husband Enrique eating, when Magdalena says she does not know if Bernardo will agree or is not a lie, she agrees on everything she is doing
“He revealed.
The reporter also affirmed that Bernardo does not talk to Anabel, something that Magdalena denied.

Clavero also laid Anabel that he would not have supported his father after the death of his mother.
“Instead of leaving with her aunt, she had given her a hug to her’s father, she died her mother, did not she need a hug from him?” He exposed.
“His father has not gone to the wedding because they have become very difficult, the father is bad,” she added.
“We who are on duty we see Bernardo how he walks perfectly, he does not need to be Magdalena taking him and bringing him,” said Leon, who said that Anabel’s father is completely autonomous.

After the intervention of Magdalena, the presenter gave a surprising news.
“The address of the program has detected many contradictions in your testimony and I have been asked to abandon the Mediaset facilities,” he announced.
“I no longer come anymore and point, I’m saying my truth. Wherever I’m going to continue saying,” she answered, who confessed that it had happened “very bad” in the format.

It seems that Anabel could also be faced with his aunt.
Antonio Montero questioned the relationship between Isabel Pantoja and her niece.
“I have a proof that she was afraid to raise her aunt according to what things,” he said.

“I talked about a very interesting job offer for Isabel, someone who returns from his past, from the glorious era of Isabel, someone who returns with renewed forces, is a creator, this person offers something very interesting by contacting me”
, he revealed.

“I contacted Anabel, when I offered what I offered him, he had nothing more to get in touch with his aunt, Anabel, after three weeks, he had not done anything, he told me he had to look for the opportune moment”
He remembered.

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