Saxony-Anhalt: Grimm-Benne relies on federal aid for hospitals

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) is relying on federal aid in view of the difficult economic situation in hospitals. Due to the decline in the number of cases, extraordinarily rising energy and material costs and inflation, the economic situation in hospitals has worsened worryingly, said Grimm-Benne on Friday in the state parliament in Magdeburg.

The federal government is making around 4.5 billion euros available to relieve hospitals of energy costs, and a further 1.5 billion euros are available to compensate for indirect energy price increases. The hospitals would receive full compensation and would be in the same position as before the Ukraine war. 500 million euros should be paid in December of this year. “So these are very good solutions,” said Grimm-Benne. The country will then look at whether a gap remains and, if necessary, compensate for it on the state side.

The left-wing parliamentary group had called for a 300 million euro rescue package from the state for the hospitals in Saxony-Anhalt. You are in a life-threatening situation. “We are heading for a disaster in the health system,” said Left MP Nicole Anger. The motion was referred to the Social Affairs and Finance Committees for further deliberation.

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