Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt, both the number of honorary caregivers and the financial support for outpatient hospice services increased in 2021. In 808 households, 820 volunteer dying companions accompanied terminally ill people and their families on the last journey, as reported by the Association of Substitute Health Insurance Funds (vdek) e.V. In the previous year there were still 768 volunteers who carried out 737 terminal care.

Financial support has also increased: the substitute funds will support outpatient hospice care in 2021 with around 546,000 euros. In 2019, this amount was still 94,000 euros. According to the information, the aim is to give more people the opportunity to spend their last days at home in their usual environment. dr Klaus Holst, Head of the Saxony-Anhalt State Representation of the vdek says: “The substitute health insurance funds in Saxony-Anhalt are committed to enabling dying people to receive dignified care and not leaving their relatives alone much appreciated work.”