Salzwedel (dpa/sa) – The residents of Salzwedel were called to the polls for the second time this Sunday to decide on their new mayor. The run-off election is coming up because two weeks ago none of the five candidates achieved the required absolute majority. Now the decision is made between the 48-year-old business economist Hendrik Stiller (CDU), who is the branch manager at the district savings bank Altmark-West, and the 57-year-old city treasurer Olaf Meining, who is supported as a non-party candidate by the SPD. Stiller won 34.89 percent of the votes on November 6, Meining 29.39 percent.

The turnout for the first ballot was just under 45 percent. There were around 19,400 eligible voters. The term of office of the previous Mayor of Salzwedel Sabine Blümel (independent) ends in March 2023.