Saxony-Anhalt: Sarah Schulze becomes the new Equal Opportunities Officer

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – After a two-year vacancy, there is again an equal opportunities officer in Saxony-Anhalt. As the State Chancellery announced on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting, Magdeburg lawyer Sarah Schulze will take over the post. “I’m looking forward to the new task. It should be a matter of course that women and girls can live independently and on an equal footing without fear of violence. Unfortunately, we’re still a long way from that in Saxony-Anhalt,” explained Schulze.

Sarah Schulze has headed the legal department and the office of the supervisory board of Salus Altmark Holding gGmbH since 2018. She is currently on maternity leave. According to the information, one goal in her new function is to further develop the law on the advancement of women into a modern equality law.

Schulze is very familiar with the cooperation partners and the equality policy challenges through her many years of involvement in the State Women’s Council, explained Social Affairs Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD).

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