Saxony: chainsaw carvers create spiritual figures

Dorfchemnitz (dpa/sn) – 13 chainsaw carvers from twelve countries competed on Saturday for the carving championship in the Blockhausen forest adventure center in Dorfchemnitz (central Saxony). Until Monday it’s about creating spiritual figures from the respective culture such as shamans, druids, medicine men or wise women. According to the organizer Andreas Martin, the response on Saturday was still low with around 1500 visitors. “Before the Corona period, up to 10,000 people came over the three days.”

After just a few hours, the first figures on Saturday took on clear contours. Among other things, in addition to an Indian medicine man, a person with snakes on his face and a white witch with an owl could be seen. The wood artists come from Chile, Ecuador, Russia, Belarus, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Mongolia and the USA.

The chainsaw carvers have time for their work until Monday noon. Then the jury will evaluate the works. According to the organizer, the Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is also expected on Sunday.

Parallel to the actual competition, visitors could also admire a so-called speed carving on Saturday. The figures resulting from the quick carving were then immediately auctioned off.

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