Saxony: doctors: waiver of statements in the process of billing fraud

Leipzig (dpa/sn) – In the proceedings for alleged billing fraud before the Leipzig Regional Court, the two accused doctors also refrained from making any statements on Tuesday. One of them announced through his defense attorney last week that he would speak out and deny the prosecutor’s allegations. It was initially unclear when he would testify. The lawyers for the two accused had rejected the allegations on the first day of the hearing last Thursday (March 2).

The public prosecutor charged the doctors with fraud or aiding and abetting in fraud. A doctor with practices in Böhlen and Kitzscher is said to have submitted bills for services not provided by him to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony. As a result, he wrongly received around 2.4 million euros, it said. He is accused of fraud in 17 cases.

The second defendant, who is now retired, is charged with aiding and abetting fraud. After consultation with the other doctor, he is said to have allowed his personal data to be used for allegedly falsified bills – although he was not working in the practice at the time due to illness. According to his lawyer, he will soon be involved.

The trial will continue on Tuesday (March 14). The verdict is expected to be on May 30th.

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