Saxony: World Cat Day: Left present law for protection

Dresden (dpa / sn) – The left wants to protect free-roaming cats from suffering by law. The left-wing faction in the Saxon state parliament presented a corresponding draft law on Monday – World Cat Day. The Free State should enable its municipalities by ordinance to keep the cat population healthy and to ensure that there are no more colonies of free-ranging cats. Cities and municipalities should be able to take animal protection measures in clearly defined areas, for example in the form of castration. The left also consider a registration requirement to be sensible. “The Free State should reimburse the municipalities for the costs – they will fall if the measures take effect,” explained party leader Susanne Schaper.

In her opinion, many volunteers take care of the homeless animals and their offspring with self-sacrifice, but they cannot cope with the state task of animal welfare alone. “According to the German Animal Welfare Association, based on expert estimates, around two million homeless cats are roaming around freely in Germany. The animals affected are house cats that have escaped, been abandoned or been left behind and their offspring,” emphasized Schaper. Unlike wild animals, these animals of a domesticated species are not adapted to life without human support, so they often experience pain, suffering, or harm.

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