Scientists will be priority staff to access public employment, such as health and teachers

The scientific-technical personnel will be considered, as well as the sanitary and educators are already there, “priority” to access public employment, as indicated by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, in the presentation of the budgets he has
Expected to assume your department during the year 2022.

The objective of prioritizing these workers in the public employment calls is that the replacement rate of scientific-technical personnel reaches 120%, which would allow expanding and “rejuvenating the templates”, has assured Morant.

The budget of science and innovation, one of the ministries that will benefit the most from European aid for the second consecutive year, will amount to 3,843 million euros, compared to the 3,232 that received last year, even with Pedro Duke in front.

Morant has considered “historic” the budget and has underlined that “practically duplicates” the approved by 2020, before the pandemic and European aid.
The new increase will serve, has indicated the minister, to approach the commitment to reach “the standards of the most investing countries”, as well as “the EU average in R + D + I”, of which Spain is
Traditionally below.

The new budget increases by 60% investment for the State Research Agency (AEI), which will receive 1,358 million in 2022. The more than 150 research centers that make up the CSIC, in addition to the Carlos III Health Institute and CIEMAT will count
With 1,818 million euros.

The intention is, in addition, to devote 151 million to increase salaries and contracts in the Juan de la Cierva and Ramón and Cajal research programs.
“If we want more research, you have to put more money for innovation,” the minister defended.
“After 10 years of cuts and stagnation, we will increase opportunities,” she said.

Raquel Yotti, General Research Secretary, has highlighted that AIE will have “a record of funding” that “will mainly serve, to expand the call for research projects.”
The increase benefits from 447 million European funds, which adds “an increase of more than 12% from the regular budget,” Yotti said.

For its part, Teresa Risk, General Secretary of Innovation, has reflected an “Rise of 8.5%, approximately” for business R + D + i.
An increase that, added to last year, would represent 154% more than 2020. “The rise is dedicated primarily to transfers that companies are made, research centers and universities participating in these programs,” she explained.

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