She was 49 years old. Brazilian 'fitness influencer' Adriana Thyssen dies, famous after losing 45 kilos in just over a year

On September 17, Brazilian influencer Adriana Thyssen, 49, was found dead in her apartment in Uberlandia, south of Brasilia.

On social networks she was known as ‘Drika’ and had gained notoriety in the world of fitness after having lost 45 kilos in just over a year – although several media outlets suggest that it was more like two.

“With deep sadness and regret, we, the team and family of Drika Blog and Drika Store, announce the death of our beloved ‘Drika’,” says a message posted on their accounts. “In this time of grief, we ask for everyone’s prayers and compassion.”

Thyssen had more than 1,700,000 followers on Facebook and had its own plus-size sportswear brand, Drika Store, with more than 76,000 subscribers on Instagram.

‘Drika’ was a reference and inspiration for many people, who recognized in her an example to overcome problems such as addictions and depression.

“I was digging a deeper and deeper hole in my life,” he admitted in several programs. Her voice came to television on numerous occasions to convey her experiences.

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