So you must clean your computer of dust, dirt and liquids that have spilled

Sometimes you forget that the desktop computer collects dust and dirt that is in suspension throughout the house.
It is so used to its presence that it is normal to forget that it also requires minimal maintenance and maybe you have not opened it for years to remove the dust from the fans.
Also, if you have pets, the problem is multiplied, so cleaning should be something more common and inescapable.

Nor should we forget that the computer has peripherals, that is, keyboard, mouse or helmets that also get dirty with the use and those that occasionally have to give them a review.
This compilation of tips to have everything clean and up-to-date, covers all levels, from cleaning crumbs and dry coffee from the keyboard, to change the thermal paste.
If you do not feel comfortable rummaging between the entrails of your computer, it leaves as complicated a professional of a technical service.

The first step is to turn off the computer, even if you are cleaning a peripheral.
It does not make much sense to play the keys, pressing without wanting anything.
Then do yourself with a basic tool kit, which basically consists of isopropyl alcohol at 90% or more, a trapapolvan suede, microfiber cloths, swabs or basthosters for the ears, compressed air spray (or failing, a blowing knob)
, a brush of soft bristles and a vacuum cleaner.

If we talk about computer components filled with a guarría, these two are probably carrying the prize.
In the end they are apparatus exposed to the environment that we also do not stop playing, leaving fat, sweat and skin scales on their surface and between the keys and buttons.

To clean the mouse begins by blowing between the joints with the knob, especially at the bottom, since the dirt will be compressing there as we have been dragging the mouse to move the cursor.
Then it fronted with a microfiber cloth moistened with alcohol.

For the keyboard, if it is mechanical, it is best to take the keys to clean in depth, as well as remove dust and crumbs from the keyboard base.
In the event that the keys are not removable or do not want to pull a while with the process, there is a kind of plasticine, slime, ecological cleaner and non-toxic, which, when pasteing it on the keyboard, will catch the dirt and the particles,
Whatever its size.

To clean the computer case, use the swabs or watertulillos moistened with alcohol and introduce them into the connection slots, so it is recommended to remove the cables to clean in depth.
Then it opens the tower and with the compressed air knob or spray, remove the dust that there will be in the fans, including those of the graph, and in the power supply.
Take advantage also to clean the motherboard with a soft bristle brush.

It is important to remember that the thermal paste in the CPU, over time is dried, so it is advisable to clean the old with alcohol and the baston.
Wait for the surface to dry and place the new thermal paste (try not to go to it not to rebase).
If you maintain these cleaning habits every 6 months or a year (depending on where you can situated the computer and if you have cats or dogs at home), you will notice that the computer is heated less, so in the long run you will be increasing the years of life
of your desktop computer.

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